Why in the world would you even propose an $8000 pay cut to a long time employee
and then in the next breath propose to elevate Jim Nobles nephew from a part-time
position, to a full-time one?
It’s taking the money away from one employee who already gave 25 years of their life to the city and transferring their “pay cut” to another employee with two years service. Something smells rotten about that.
It’s just not rational.
Hey, here’s a novel idea. If JOBS ABSOLUTELY NEED TO BE CUT, LET US LOOK AT THE ENTIRE CITY OF KINGSTON WORKFORCE and layoff the people who were hired LAST, in every department. That may or may not include workers in the CSEA and it may affect other workers BUT it RECOGNIZES that longevity means something.
Other cuts can be made through attrition. There are positions throughout the city - in all departments – that will become vacant due to retirements that do not have to be filled. That is also a cost savings over the course of this budget. Even departments such as fireman who have contract provisions guarding against layoffs would be able to do their small part in this crisis.
To just throw darts against the CSEA,which is obviously a “Bullseye” to the Mayor, shows that no thought went into his proposal. Let’s hope that the Common Council can see that trimming the crust off the pie first is the answer – and cancel the whip cream while you are at it.
Attrition is nothing new under this Mayor's tenureship with the CSEA. He's been gouging the rank and file of the DPW practically every year with cuts and the recreation department which was once thriving is down to a skeleton crew. CSEA and the Trade Unions were 100% accurate with not supporting him last year for the Mayor's run.
Absolutely rihgt bullhorner. This isn' t fair to the 25 year employee. To take $8000.00 from them is just plain wrong.
This dedicated employee is probably close to retirement, and cutting there salary now will not only hurt them now, but will also reduce thier retirement.
How can anyone be so heartless to do this?
We shouldn't be surprised by this movew from Sottile/Noble. Last year they fired a person so his niece could get her job.
Bullhorner, the Nepatism in Kingston with its Politicians is disgraceful. When will the people rise up and demand that unconnected people are able to gain employment as city workers too. Just because its happened in the past does not mean we have to tolerate it anymore.
This is one reason unions were formed. To protect long term workers from greedy bosses. CSEA will no doubt go to the mat for this employee. It's a shame they have a no Strike clause in there contract, because this is worth striking over.
What's with SOTILLE/NOBLE, they got what they wanted reelection. Now they are targeting the CSEA employees who had nothing to do with the endorsement process.
Ashdown and Robins will no doubt stick up for these employees and probably get there jobs back. They are true union leaders and fight for all the employees not just the politically conected.
I look forward to reading the freeman in the coming days to see what happens. They fight right out in the open for all to see.
The Mayor should address the budget issue without bring personal vendettas into it. To promote Nobles relative while proposing cuts for long time employees shows Jim Sottiles true colors.
A few years ago Sottile said that the Zoo must stand on its own. Sounds like the same song that he has been using for KPA. At any rate, the Zoo became the Nature Center under steve [and julie] noble and others. Apparently Sottile continues to see that the "zoo" has funding that now even more funding.
Fatty and Lumpy - now theres a pair!
Lay-offs are not the answer. We need to allow construction and new forms of revenue. Both the City and town are hurting. It's time to start talking Merger once again.
3:42 am
Get it right its JULIE and steve noble, not the other way around. Julie has the brains Steve is just along for the free ride.
Is the zoo standing on its own. The nature center is great,but how much does it cost.
What about drunk Murphy and Mills - getting paid as campaign Treasurer for Jimbo via taxpayer financed high paying jobs and Housing Authority and Community Development Director?
I hear they need a new Mayor McCheese for the new McDonalds commercials. Being a real Mayor is a tough job that Jimmie can't seem to do without thinking of himself first.
I'm with 10:49PM - Jim, whack a couple grand off of YOUR salary and show that you are really serious. You seem to be good at whacking off anyway, or throwing drinks. :)
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