Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Working AMERICANS Choice For President

If you are a middleclass worker, who depends on a weekly paycheck and you want to see your ability to support your family IMPROVE instead of GET WORSE THAN IT IS NOW, you should vote for Barack Obama for President of the United States on November 4.

One thing is certain, there are many issues that get thrown back and forth in a Presidential race. However, the absolute fact is the ABILITY TO MAKE A DECENT LIVING AND NOT HAVE THAT ABILITY ERODED, as it has been for the last eight years, trumps them all. You can't do nuttin without a paycheck.

There are plenty of rich people on radio and television who speak to the people as though they are on your side, on your level, on the same page, in the same boat - that is bullcrap. They are just doing a job. And that job is to snow the little people into VOTING AGAINST THEMSELVES. And they are scared shitless that this year you are not falling for it.
American workers have been left out of the party since 2000, and look what that has produced for our middleclass. I don't even have to write it, it's so bad. Everyone knows that our middleclass standards are plummeting - AND IT WAS ALL DONE BY DESIGN!

EXCEPT THIS TIME THEY PUSHED GOOD OLD AMERICAN JOEY PAYCHECK TOO FAR. More people have registered to vote in this election than anytime in American history. Be one! Get involved and be part of changing America back to America. We have been sold out to corporate thieves FOR THE LAST EIGHT YEARS and it is time to comeback,kick some ass and take names. We can do that by voting on November 4 for Barack Obama.
Hudson Valley Labor Report Prediction on October 4, 2008 - OBAMA BY A LANDSLIDE.


Anonymous said...

I respectfully disagree, I think that Barack Obama and Joe Biden are out of touch with regular Americans.

Sarah Palin and her husband are normal middle class working people. I believe that she will bring the common sense to Washington that the Average American desperately wants.

Although John McCain is married to a gazailionaire wife, I believe that his time spent as a prisoner of war has humbled him and brought him grace to his soul that most Americans will never know, in their lifetime.

A Progressive Hudson Valley Union said...

You have the right to make a choice, even it is the wrong choice. Please, you go to youtube and direct me to the McCain video that speaks so passionately and sincerely and DISTINCTLY of EXACTLY what his plan is for the middleclass AND that he is for the right of Americans to join unions and that he SUPPORTS that. Obama will be President long before you find even a shred of any of that out of McCain. He is Bush times ten.

Anonymous said...

Out of touch? I think that 12:05 has been drinking the Sean Hannity kool aid! Watch that video again and explain what is out of touch about what Barack Obama says. I have never heard such great news for regular Americans.

Question: Is any union in America backing McCain?

Obama in 08

Anonymous said...

Obama is the democrats version of George Bush. He and McCain are carrer politicians that are beholden to everyone but the taxpayers. Look at the 700 billion of your money that they just gave away to big business. How labor friendly is that. Plus you need to ask yourself, if he is going to spend all of this money how the heck will he give you and I a tax break. He will not....period.

The democrats treat unions, the same way that Republicans treat conservatives, they take your money and don't do crap for you.

Vote however you want.....We are all screwed either way.

A Progressive Hudson Valley Union said...

George Bush? He is the exact opposite. I haven't heard GB of JM say anything meaningful about the middleclass in 8 years...except when they were srewing us. Listen to the video, it can't get any plainer if you are a working stiff like us.
Obama in a landslide..He is beating McSame in 10 swing states...amazing.

Anonymous said...

I am not better off today than I was 4 of even 8 years ago. Obama is the choice for change, and for the working middle class.

Anonymous said...

The last 8 years the only thing that has happened is that my retirement date has been put off for 8 more years. Go Obama 08.

Anonymous said...

I like that he just even talks about the middleclass. That alone is a breath of fresh air. I am sick of hearing about the Iraqi people more than the American people and unfortunately, McCain has that same speech impediment.

Obama 2008

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bullhorner, the good people of this country are not going to take the bait from the Republican Party this time on a national level. I think they will rise up and put Obama in office and turn a cold shoulder towards the failed policies of the Bush Administration.

Anonymous said...

By "democrats version of George Bush" I meant that he is a typical politican beholden to his party. He even has an old timer for vp. He may have different stances on issues, but the plan is the same.

Democrats and Republicans are the same. They are here for money and power, and your purpose is to serve it up for them. If you are serious about change vote 3rd party. It will never happen. Obama is not change, he is a different version of the same broken government. You are worse off than you were 8 years ago, because no one stands up to these people, we just keep switching between two parties that are on the same side. Either way they win and we are screwed.

Anonymous said...

For the past 8 years middle class has eroded.There are NOW only 2 classes of people.RICH and POOR.So if your living paycheck to paycheck can you guess what class were in? With this election it is time to take back the USA and return it to the super power it once was. This country is not for sale.Its time for change, time for new young blood with fresh ideas. We can't afford 4 more years of Republican bull.They sold this country down the tubes and our future with it.Republican motto should be "USA for sale to the highest bidder"

gatekeeper said...

Wake up America there is no middle class thanks to the Republician leadership of the last 8 years.Your either rich or poor, so if you don't have a stuffed mattress or a sizeable nest egg your poor.Think things are bad ? You ain't seen nothing yet,cold weather is around the corner and fuel companies know it.How many people will DIE because they can't afford fuel? One is to many. Get out and VOTE,vote for change, vote to save this country from collaspe.Its our time to kick ass and take names along the way all the way to the Whitehouse. Its time to take out the trash and clean house, all houses of goverment. I for one have had enough.The republician way is the wrong way.Put our tax dollars back where they belong and not into the hands of the rich.The PIGGY BANK IS EMPTY!!

Anonymous said...

I'm poor and getting poore r thanks to Bush. Obama 08 for change.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gatekeeper, we haven't seen nothin yet. These people who are still Bush fans after he ruined this country are the same ones switching over to McCain. They are really blind to the sad fact that the American people have been sold down the road. Maybe the rich are ok but the regular common people are screwed. For me and millions of others it's Obama all the way.

Thank you to the Hudson Valley Labor Report for giving us a local forum to let the people have their piece.

This blog is LONG overdue and becoming more popular by the day!

Anonymous said...

The ONLY reason you are supporting Obama is he is promising to open up the treasury for you. Basically, you all can be bought, and you have been bought. NICE, you should be proud.

There is a reason why we are a superpower in the world. There is a reason why America has the most skilled and resourceful workers in the world. There is a reason why that title does NOT apply to any European country. They are socialists and we are not. It is the fact that, in America, you PAVE your own way. In America, YOU determine how high you climb. In America, government should provide a saftey NET, but should stay out of the way the rest of the time.

Why does 'Labor' and 'Working Families' want government handouts? Your titles IMPLY work. Yet, you want less work, and a more socialistic 'fair' society. When did you forget, when your mother told you life isn't fair?

A Progressive Hudson Valley Union said...
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A Progressive Hudson Valley Union said...

10:06 am - It is not the treasury he is opening up, it's peoples eyes. Labor wants nothing more than a fair chance for the working people. For that, we need Obama - definitely not McCain. My Friends.