Monday, October 13, 2008

Two Electrical Fires Erupt In Dutchess County Within Five Days Of Bill Steinhaus's Veto Of Electrical Licensing


A house in Tivoli and a business in the Village of Fishkill were gutted by fire just five days after County Executive William Steinhaus vetoed the Electrical License law.
Both fires were electrical fires.

Thank God no Dutchess County residents were killed or burned as both buildings were empty at the time of each blaze.

How much more foolish can a person look then Bill Steinhaus looks today? He is caught in the old style political mold that so many people are tired of these days. An angry,nasty,back-biting politician who will sacrifice anyone and anything, including his own constituents safety, just to win what he thinks is a political joust with the opposing political party. Even if it only exists in his own mind.

He will be spending the next few days twisting the arms of his fellow Republicans to change their yes votes for the electrical license to no votes. The legislature sent the bill to him with enough BI-PARTISAN votes to override his veto. Hold tight Dutchess County Legislators and don't trade your constituents safety over a manufactured,ficticious political fight that exists only in some bully's head.

They don't call him Boss Hog for nothing.


Anonymous said...

It is so stupid not to license electricians of all things. Are our Ulster Legislators going to make sure contractors around here get a license? We will need one worse if the veto stands.

We will need to keep the unlicensed ones in Dutchess out of here, let their homes burn, not ours.

Anonymous said...

We need to start the ball rolling in Ulster County.

Anonymous said...

Attention all unqualified electricians. Come to where there are no rules and no one watching the store! Burn down as many projects as you want and no one can say a word!

Come to Dutchess County!

That would make a nice billboard on the approach to the mid -Hudson Bridge.

Anonymous said...

Thursday night 10/16/08 6:30 pm watch the show. See all your favorite legislators at the Market street theater Poghkeepsie. See who shows and who blows.Should be fun evening for everyone.Get there early for good seating is limited and should be a packed house. Tonights vote on electricial licensing.

Anonymous said...